It was a good weekend! I hope you all much fun and pew! The wife and I got out for the whole weekend, which with 3 toddlers is a rare thing. Thank god for family who will babysit overnight.

Downside is, I didn't get my article out I had planned. It was an overview of alpha capabilities, and should set the stage for my upcoming series.

Series, you say? Yes, I have something big in the works, and I need your help. The series is going to be an update of Azual Skoll's "know your enemy" series, which outlines the strengths and weakness of ships in eve. Usually comes with fits and piloting advice, but since tiericide, that series is out of date. I'll be resurrecting it, and hopefully helping some folks out in the process. I know it helped me immensely, knowing just why that maller refused to die, or that a catalyst does more DPS than a cruiser, and doesn't really need tackle.

The help part comes in with you, my readers. I'm starting with T1 frigates, and with all the choices, I'm having a hard time deciding. So I'll let you pick. Which means...


I will be taking requests for the race to start with, and why. Explain why I should pick one, and the best reason wins 200 million, plus I will also give the winner a ship of that race fit up and named after me. An additional 50 million isk is up for grabs for best title for the series. Just comment below, or on twitter @verdis_deMosays which is my page. So get creative, get busy, and by Wednesday night USTZ, when the contest closes, I'll have a winner and an article to start.

Fly Chaotically!


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